Recent Posts
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- Seeking Silver and Gold: TxLege Update Week 2Politicians in America may be elected by the people, but their authority to rule comes from God: “there is no authority except from God.” Pagans…
Bible Studies
Into the Promised Land – A Study of Joshua
A Study of Judges: The Upward Spiral of Salvation
Return from Exile: A Five Week Study of Ruth
Psalm 8 – A Study on the Kingdom of God (1 Week)
Two Paths – A Study of Proverbs 18
A Study of the Acts of the Apostles
Feasting on Christ: A Bible Study on Love
Being a One Woman Man – A One Week Study
Feasting on Christ: A Bible Study on Love
Book Lists
Race in America: Liberalism’s Attack on Minorities and the Church
Books for Children and the Young at Heart
Knowing Christ and His Kingdom: A Bibliography
A Christian, Liberty-Minded Reader on Culture, Science, Governance, and Economics
The Christian Foundations of Government: A Bibliography
A Guide to Christian Living in a Fallen World
Foundational Readings
A Liberty Catechism. 52 questions and answers that provide a biblical foundation for a Christian understanding of civil government.
Yahweh Miśrâh: Christ, the Lord of Politics. A sentiment popular among some Christians today that evangelical Christians, especially white evangelicals, have politicized the Christian faith. Not true. Instead, we’ve simply acknowledged Jesus as Lord.
Being Conservative is No Longer Enough. We don’t need to spend time calling Americans back to conservatism; we need to call them to faith in Jesus.
Developing a Biblical Understanding of Decentralization. There is only one truly centralized government: that of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All sovereign authority rests in Them. This has not kept the rest of us, however, from attempting to consolidate our authority.
What Does Liberty Look Like: Government and Rulers. Our understanding of government should come from the source of government, Jesus Christ.
Christian Economics 101. Economics is at the heart of the purpose of every Christian’s life. An understanding of how God designed the world to work is essential to our being able to successfully carry out God’s command to “fill the earth and subdue it.”
Makems and Takems. Somewhere along the way the relationship between the good-natured rivals the shipbuilders of Sunderland and the sailors of Newcastle upon Tyne was captured by the term of makems and takems. The relationship between modern day makers and takers is not so good natured.
Calvinism and von Mises on Human Action. One thing that attracted me to reformed theology is that, particularly in the case of free will, it matches up with a view of economics whose most famous modern champions are agnostic Jews.
Private Property, the Great Commission, and the Trinity. God explained private property to us when He commanded us not to eat of the Tree of Life. We’ve been violating property rights ever since.
Protestant Resistance Theory. Listen to the author of Slaying Leviathan, Glenn Sunshine, explain Protestant Resistance Theory, which today’s Christians have inherited from leaders of the Protestant Reformation like Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, and Samuel Rutherford.
Big Science is Not Objective. The world is complex, yet truth is a lot simpler than many experts, in both science and theology, would have us believe.