The book of Acts gives us a picture of the growth of the early church. It also gives us a picture of the work God was doing through the Holy Spirit to establish the Kingdom of His Son.
The period covered by Acts is unique in world history. It covers the transition from the old world order to the new. Christ defeated Satan on the cross then ascended to heaven and took His throne as our King around 30 A.D., but it wasn’t until 70 A.D., a generation later (Matthew 24:34), that the old order of the temple, sacrifices, and the nation of Israel came to a complete end.
Studying this period of time can be a great help to us as we live in a period not so much of transition but of completion. We live in the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1-5), but it is a mere taste of what it will one day be. Studying the Acts of the Apostles is one way to help us work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12-13) as we witness Christ at work making all things new.
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