Author: Bill
Renewable Energy Debate Comes to Bell County
This article was originally published in The Texan About 60 local residents “crowded” into a Bell County Commissioner’s Court public hearing last Monday in Belton to learn more about a proposed solar farm west of Troy, about 30 miles south of Waco. Social distancing protocols meant attendees were spread out in the courtroom, the hallway,…
Georgetown Revamps Homeowner Solar Electric Program
by GeorgetownWatchDog The City initiated a program in 2006 to allow residential customers with wind and solar electric generation capability to pay only for electricity used in excess of their own needs at the standard residential rate. If the residential customers generated more electricity than they consumed, they earned credit equal to the city’s avoided…
Remy: Surfin’ USA (Beach Boys Lockdown Parody)
The Thunderbirds Come to Austin
What a Prolonged Shutdown Will Cost in Human Life
by Jacki Deason Ezekiel Emanuel, adviser to presidential candidate Joe Biden and Obamacare architect, just called for a 12-to-18-month lockdown to battle COVID-19, asking us to abandon our livelihoods, religious services, and “contact with friends and extended family.” He claims we have “no choice” and that the alternative is hundreds of thousands of deaths. He has also said that…
The Liberty Cafe 006: Energy and Liberty with Jacki Deason
This week on the Liberty Cafe we talk with Jacki Deason of the Jacki Daily Show about energy, national security, and life, death, and liberty in the midst of the COVID-19 battle. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Google Podcasts | RSS
Eric Clapton: Call Me the Breeze
Wind Energy Lives Off of Tax Dollars
Police Power v. People Power
My church decided to have gathered worship this past Sunday in Austin, Texas, after being prohibited from worshiping and enjoying the Lord’s Supper together for more than a month. During a discussion about whether our worship would be in violation of the city of Austin’s and Travis County’s shelter-in-place orders, which they recently extended through May…