I’ve spent the last 30 years of my life trying to free Texans from government oppression. Given that Texas’ biennial budget has grown from $46.4 billion in 1990-91 to the present $235.2 billion (with the government/budget being under Republican control most of those years) and with it the regulatory, confiscatory, and prosecutorial state has also…
Author: Bill
The Time is Near: A Look at Revelation 1:1-3
The book of Revelation can be intimidating. It is chock full of mysterious symbols: beasts, lampstands, Spirits, numbers, stars, seals, etc. Yet we have to remember the book is a revelation from Christ to His servants. It is also a letter to His church, specifically the seven churches in Asia. Christ used this letter to…
A Guide to Christian Living in a Fallen World
The Bible is a beautiful story of God’s mercy on a rebellious world. However, sometimes it is difficult to see this beauty in the midst of the ugliness we experience in this world, whether it is from our own sin or that of others. Thus it is important to remember that God’s beauty is not…
Knowing Christ and His Kingdom: A Bibliography
God is the Creator, we are His creatures. He is infinite, we are finite. One result of these truths is that we are going to spend eternity joyfully getting to know God better since we will never be able to know everything about Him. Yet getting to know God better isn’t just something for eternity….
Austin’s Solution to Homelessness: The Homeless Hotel
The problem of homelessness is like all of the problems our society is facing today; a problem of liberalism. For liberalism at its heart is a rejection of God. Which, of course, is the foundation of all of our problems. The current trendy rejection of God when it comes to homelessness is a concept called…
A Christian, Liberty-Minded Reader on Culture, Science, Governance, and Economics
I’ve spent a lot of time over the years studying economics, governance, science, culture, etc. from a biblical perspective. Although a number of the books I’ve read are not written by Christians, by God’s common grace non-Christians can contribute to our understanding of the world and often do a better job than Christians–within limits. Here…
Where Will its Stand on the Six Days of Creation Lead the PCA?
Every faith has to make decisions about what it believes. The Christian church generally agrees its beliefs are based on the Bible. Beyond that, though, agreement is often hard to find. Case in point: those of us who call ourselves reformed or Calvinists agree that Scripture is inerrant and the whole counsel of God’s Word…
The Conservative Texas Budget: A Review of the First Three Biennia
This paper was originally published by the Texas Public Policy Foundation and was coauthored with Talmadge Heflin. The Conservative Texas Budget (CTB), which sets growth limits on state appropriations and spending to no more than population growth plus inflation, has been in place for three regular sessions of the Texas Legislature. Its purpose is to…
Peace and Purity in the PCA: A Primer for Members
During the eight years that Barack Obama was president, friends and colleagues would often complain about various policies or actions of his administration. While I was usually sympathetic with their angst, I would often respond, “Well, we have no one to blame but ourselves. After all, we (the American people) elected him.” I had a similar response when…
Where Does the PCA Stand on Revoice? A Look at the Numbers
I noted in my previous piece describing the overtures to be considered at at the Presbyertian Church in America’s General Assembly that at the top of the list was how it was going to deal with with the Revoice movement. That certainly turned out to be the case. So I thought I’d do a deep dive…