I just finished reading about the second city, Athens, in Doug Wilson’s Five Cities That Ruled the World. I love the concept. And love Doug Wilson. But while the book so far has presented a pretty good history of each city (Jerusalem and Athens), I didn’t learn why each city ruled the world. This aspect of each…
Author: Bill
The Real Things Haven’t Changed
I ran across a great quote this morning to help us remember some of the things that really matter for which we can be grateful at this time of Thanksgiving: “The Little House Books are stories of long ago. Today our way of living and our schools are much different; so many things have made…
Computer Prices and Creative Destruction
I ran across a 1989 product comparison of several top-of-the-line computers. Including one from Dell, which featured an 80286 (20 MHz) processor and a 40 MB hard drive, all for the bargain price of $4,099! I remember consistently paying $3,000 for a new computer from Tandy (my first one, with an 8086 processor purchased in 1986)…
The $2.6 Trillion Health Care Plan
Don’t buy the claims that the ObamaCare bill will be deficit neutral. Don’t even trust the claim that it will result in increased spending of only $343 billion. And you can completely ignore the fiction that this bill will only cost $848 billion over the next ten years. The truth is that new spending in the…
When the Going Gets Tough, Let the Government Handle it
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
There are a lot of ways to measure how the economy is doing. But employment, or jobs, is probably the measure that means the most to us. On a macro level, we understand that it means something good when we read that two million new jobs were created and unemployment fell to 4.2%. On the…
A Blast from the Past
Watch this 1981 news report on something very new and exciting: reading the newspaper on your computer at home:
Living Like a King
“Our free market system is usually termed capitalism and by that definition capitalism has hardly been around long enough to deserve all the evil for which it is being held responsible. … Actually, all systems are capitalistic. It is just a matter of who owns and controls the capital—ancient king, dictator, or private individual. We…
Another Way Home
I’ve been reading John Horne’s excellent online novel, “Another Way Home,” and highly recommend it.
Stubborn Facts and Stubborn People
Ronald Reagan once said, “Facts are stubborn things.” And he is right. Sometimes, the truth becomes almost impossible to ignore. I think we are seeing that now in the national debates over climate change and health care. Yet, even more stubborn than facts are people. It is a person’s worldview, more than the facts that…