Christ came to set us free from the bondage of our sin: The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison…
Category: Big Government
Whose Better for the Texas Economy: Hollywood Filmmakers or Texas Entrepreneurs?
Filmmakers and government economic development types are bemoaning the fact that Texas doesn’t offer as much as other states when it comes to film subsidies. “Texas is losing jobs because we cannot compete,” said Janis Burklund, director of the Dallas Film Commission. It may, or may not, be the case that Texas is losing jobs…
Harry Reid’s Cronyist UFO Hunt Cost Taxpayers $20 Million
A recent program in the Defense Department for the purpose of understanding “unidentified aerial phenomena” cost taxpayers at least $20 million. The program was initiated by Harry Reid, at the behest of a campaign contributor, when he was still Senate majority leader. Politico reports: Reid initiated the program, which ultimately spent more than $20 million, through an earmark after he…
Markets, Not the Governing Elite, Secure Life, Liberty, and Prosperity
A recent article by the Niskanen Center tries to make the case that regulations should be considered beneficial unless proven otherwise. The thing is is that we don’t need data to understand whether the effects caused by regulation are on balance good or bad. Liberty tells us that the cumulative effect of regulations will be…
Local Government Regulation Tramples Property Rights
“Property owners do not acquire a constitutionally protected vested right in property uses …” – Texas Supreme Court; City of University Park v. Benners, 485 SW 2d 773 (1972). To fully solve the problem of local regulations making Texas cities less and less affordable for the average Texan, delaying construction, and costing Texans jobs, the…
SwampCare 101 – Surprise, Surprise, Surprise
Few things in politics surprise me anymore; I expect to see the unexpected, the absurd, the mind blowing, etc. Still, the fact that the Republicans can’t see that with SwampCare (or RyanCare, or ObamaCare Light, etc.) they are doing the exact same thing that the Democrats did—“we have to pass the bill so that you…
Restoring Liberty through the States—and the People
Liberty has afforded all Americans the opportunity to live prosperous lives through hard work and civic cooperation. Unfortunately, the immense growth of the federal government has, in the words of Milton Friedman, made it more likely “that its actions will reflect special interests rather than the general interest.” Instead of government being the means for…
Good News and Not So Good News on Corporate and Constituent Pork
Good news from Florida on the corporate welfare front as reported by the News Service of Florida: The talks on [budget] allocations had largely centered on Gov. Rick Scott’s call for a $1 billion tax-cut package and a “Florida Enterprise Fund” of $250 million in business incentives. … In the end, lawmakers agreed to $400…
Let’s Break Up Tiger Woods
In the aftermath of Tiger Woods’ dominant victory in the recent American Express Championship golf tournament, a number of Wood’s competitors announced they will be asking the U.S. Department of Justice to file suit seeking the breakup of Woods for violating federal antitrust laws. “He’s dominating the game,” said Adam Scott, who finished second, eight…