The Energy Alliance, of which I am the policy director, just released a new study, The Decline and Fall of Reliability, Affordability, and Competition in ERCOT, that explains the connection between political interference and the decline in generation adequacy and reliability in the Texas grid. In response to the Texas’ blackouts, Texas politicians and regulators…
Category: Energy
A Bad Day for Wind in Texas
Yesterday, ERCOT (the electric grid manager for Texas) issued a Conservation Appeal to Texans and Texas businesses “asking Texans and Texas businesses to voluntarily conserve electricity” today. Why? Well, it is going to be hot today, with temperatures reaching perhaps as high as 108 in parts of the state. But the big problem Texans are…
Comments on the SEC’s Rule on Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors
Comments on S7-10-22: The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors The Energy Alliance I am writing to express my concerns about the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) notice of proposed rulemaking on the Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors (ESG rule). When it became law, the Securities Exchange Act of…
Texas’ Roadmap to a California-style Electricity Market
In the aftermath of last year’s Great Texas Blackout, there has been much consternation and confusion. The lack of clarity has been evident in the proclamations and actions from politicians, regulators, and the energy industry. There is one thing, however, that has become crystal clear in light of the blackout; nobody involved wants to take…
Renewable Subsidies Causing Reliability Challenges
By Laurie A. Luebbert The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) released a statement last week noting that unusually high temperatures predicted for the weekend and this week would likely lead to an increased demand for electric power. Texas might be the focal point now, but it’s not a challenge for the Lone Star State…
Texas PUC Feeding Generators at the Expense of Consumers
Following the political fallout from last year’s blackouts across Texas, the Texas Legislature took steps to divert attention from its contributions to the electric grid’s failure. In addition to passing several bills, it ordered the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) to revamp the Texas electricity market. The problem with this is that the blackouts…
Texas’ Refusal to Deal with Renewable Energy Continues to Harm Reliability on the Texas Grid
By Zachary Richter The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) is warning Texas residents about a possible grid overload this weekend because of high temperatures. ERCOT released a statement this week noting that unusually high temperatures will likely lead to an increased demand on the grid. While the organization did not request a curtailing of energy…
Texas preparing to boycott ‘carbon conscious’ investors
As far back as at least King Edward I of England, people have been concerned about the environmental effects of fossil fuels. In Edward’s case, the nobility of England were greatly distressed about the soot in the air as a result of the peasants’ attempts to keep warm by burning coal. Today, most of the…
Free Energy Markets Will Benefit Americans
Americans have recently become painfully aware of the international scope of oil markets. The war between Russia and Ukraine, being fought across the Atlantic Ocean more than 5,000 miles from America’s East Coast, has disrupted the global supply of oil – and thus gasoline. As a result, gasoline prices have risen dramatically in the last…
IRENA: ‘The global shift to renewables is underway’
by John Kelly This article originally appeared in the Austin Journal The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) released data earlier this week that demonstrated a large surge in the amount of renewable energy put in place around the world in 2021. “The global shift to renewables is underway,” Francesco Camera, director-general of IRENA, told the Austin…