Kamala Pledges to Get Rid of Trump Tax Cuts – Breitbart
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) spoke to Hispanic Americans at a campaign stop in McAllen, Texas, on Friday, telling them that she and former Vice President Joe Biden’s “first order of business” is to get rid of President Trump’s tax cuts. “I promise you this — as a first order of business, Joe Biden and I are about to work to get rid of that tax cut,” she said to cheers.
ANTIFA: Rise of the Black Flags
Biden Pledges to Gut Religious Freedom Protections – PJ Media
Joe Biden made no bones about it: If he wins the presidential election, he will gut religious freedom protections that allow faith-based homeless shelters, charities, and small business owners to act according to their consciences. Specifically, he will shove LGBT ideology down the throats of religious Americans in the name of fighting “discrimination.” On Wednesday, the Democratic nominee told Philadelphia Gay News that President Donald Trump has given “hate” a “safe harbor” by protecting religious freedom and enabling what Biden condemned as “discrimination.”
Having watched the corporate media “disappear” the Hunter Biden story, what would stop them from “disappearing” a Trump election victory and collectively reporting it as a Biden win? As crazy as that sounds, they already proved it is feasible.
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) October 31, 2020
We Should be Very Concerned About Censorship – Michael Brown
When people as disparate as John Cleese, of Monty Python fame, journalist Piers Morgan, and Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald raise their voices in concern, you know that there’s a problem. A very big problem. Censorship by the giants of media and social media has gotten out of control.
Ted Cruz’s grilling of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has rightly gone viral. Yet the answers given by Dorsey were chilling. To paraphrase, ‘Even though we blew it, if the New York Post’ – yes, the Post, one of the nation’s leading and historic newspapers – ‘wants to access its account again, it must remove the tweet we don’t like.’
Election Day Minus Two – Mark Steyn
As I said a few months back, there’s never been a better time to be in the plywood business – especially when the election race transitions to the election brace. The New York Times:
Boarded-Up Windows and Increased Security: Retailers Brace for the Election
Bay Area Cities, Restaurants Boarding Up — Bracing for Potential Election-Night Unrest
City Business Across U.S. Brace For Election Day Unrest, Board Up Storefronts
Just another election day in a two-and-a-third-century long-settled republic. Manhattan celebrities (some of whom you might actually have heard of) have ordered up private armed guards for their luxury apartment houses – because, since they started calling for “defunding the police”, getting someone to pick up at 9-1-l seems to be taking a little longer than it did back in the spring. I suppose it’s conceivable that a few of these celebs and CEOs are so woke they believe their own bullsh*t and genuinely expect mobs of Trump voters to come rampaging through midtown Manhattan and start trashing Chanel and Dior. According to the tireless lads at The Hill, what Dan Rather used to call “the shadowy right-wing militias” are back:
Study warns five states at high risk for election-related armed violence by militia groups
Oh, my! After six months of looting and burning by perps who get their bail paid by Biden staffers and Hollywood celebs, OJ is now warning that the real killer may show up on Tuesday night.
There may be three or four owners of upscale emporia worried that the right-wing haters will show up in their ladies’ wear department before #BLM has finished cleaning it out. But most of these guys surely know all too well exactly who’ll be coming for them:
#ShutDownDC is organizing groups of protesters to target Republican officials and government buildings during a series of planned election-week demonstrations.
Gee, it’s almost like they’re expecting to lose.
See the difference? Me neither. pic.twitter.com/vRkGJOoyZ9
— Renée Graham 🏳️🌈 (@reneeygraham) October 31, 2020
The Church, Silenced – Michael Quinn Sullivan
My question, though, is: Why are [MacArthur] and his congregation so rare? Why aren’t more churches speaking out against government intrusions into the constitutionally protected “free exercise” of religion? Why do they tremble before earthly powers? Why fear death? Why fear societal rejection, mockery, and abuse?
Churches that have shuttered their doors – whether out of fear or in appeasement – have laid the groundwork for further capitulation. What else will they sacrifice to escape criticism from bureaucrats, or gain approval from the media? What the dictators in China do to Christians by force and violence, American pastors risk doing to their congregations through their cowardly silence.
When shepherds cower in fear from the howl of government wolves, they shouldn’t be surprised to find their flock in decline.
But let’s be honest: pulpits went silent on calling out the “fashionable” sins of the cultural elite long before government bureaucrats ordered churches to close this spring.
A Collusion Tale: China and the Bidens – Andrew McCarthy
Ye and CEFC had enticed Hunter and the Biden family with promises of a huge financial score. Ye had been seeking connections with eminences on both sides of the Washington’s political aisle. These feelers eventually landed Ye a May 2017 meeting with Hunter in Miami. They began negotiating a joint venture between CEFC and the Biden family, the $40 million LNG project on Monkey Island in Louisiana — which Hunter, in familiar Bidenesque exaggeration, described in his recorded rant as “a $4 billion deal to build the largest f***ing LNG port in the world,” adding that he’d negotiated the deal at Ye’s “$58 million apartment.”
Mass looting breaks out at clothing and shoe store during tonight’s BLM riot in Philadelphia. pic.twitter.com/htXN1rsbCk
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 27, 2020
The Combustible Politics of a Coronavirus ‘Dark Winter’ – Matthew Continetti
If Biden takes office during the “dark winter” he prophesied at the final presidential debate, he will have to decide, in addition to his national mask mandate, whether to put the country through another “30 days to slow the spread.” The bureaucratic pressure to shut down will be immense. The media, entertainment, and technology sectors will be sure to support and promote his decision. Polarization between “red” states and the nation’s capital will intensify. The commanding heights of culture and business will consign the Republican Party to the ash heap of history. And opposition to the restoration of progressive rule will manifest itself as a populist revolt whose character, magnitude, disposition, and endgame can only be imagined.
My Resignation from the Intercept – Glenn Greenwald
The Intercept’s editors, in violation of my contractual right of editorial freedom, censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all New-York-based Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.
The censored article, based on recently revealed emails and witness testimony, raised critical questions about Biden’s conduct. Not content to simply prevent publication of this article at the media outlet I co-founded, these Intercept editors also demanded that I refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication.
The Biden Scandal is Real and Not Going Away – Tucker Carlson
It’s been obvious for decades now that the Biden family has gotten rich from selling influence abroad. Joe Biden held a series of high level jobs in the U.S. government. Based on that fact and that fact alone, Biden’s son and brother approached foreign governments and companies, sovereign wealth funds, energy conglomerates, Third World oligarchs and dictators, and they offered to exchange favors from Joe Biden for cash.
The polite term for that practice is influence-peddling. Sometimes it is legal under American law, sometimes it is not. But it has always been the economic engine of the Biden family. They’ve never done anything else. Until recently, no one debated this fact. Several liberal news organizations, in fact, have written detailed stories about the Biden secret business dealings over the years. Look them up, assuming you still can. It’s only since Joe Biden received the Democratic nomination that anyone in the media has claimed otherwise.
Christians Have Very Good Reasons To Fear An Increasingly Hostile American Regime – Nathanael Blake
Christian conservatives have not triumphed. Rather, cultural defeat and the near-total exclusion of social conservatives from power in the Democratic Party have left us with no options except the GOP and a defensive crouch in the court system. Thus, we end up supporting anyone who will work with and protect us, whether he is a boorish real estate developer and TV personality or a Mormon technocrat with a pro-choice record.
Trump Derangement in Overdrive – Steven Hayward
Speaking of riots, the left has organized massive protests around the country for next Wednesday “if Trump takes action to undermine the results.” You can read all about it at ProtectTheResults. I’m sure these protests, if they come off, will be “mostly peaceful.” No need to board up your storefronts or anything. It appears, from their partners page, that just about every left-wing group is part of the coalition—you might even call it a “vast left-wing conspiracy.” It looks like the largest attempt at a left mobilization since the Vietnam War.
Election Day Minus Five – Mark Steyn
The real election issue, as it has been for two decades, is that western civilization is sliding off the cliff very fast, and most of the inheritors of that civilization aren’t even aware of it. As noted in yesterday’s Laura’s Links, the French are butching up on some of this stuff, at least by comparison with the rest of the west. (Yes, yes, I know, damning with faint praise: Best gay bar in Riyadh and all that…). Having given the world postmodernism and its ever uglier progeny, France has somehow managed to wind up with an education minister who denounces intersectionality and Islamo-leftism. In reaction to the recent decapitation of a school teacher, M Macron himself has said that people have the right to draw and publish Mohammed cartoons.
Islam is not inclined to take that talk lying down. So the latest member of Local 437 of the Amalgamated Union of Lone Wolves launched the Rampage du Jour this morning at Notre Dame Basilica in Nice, less than half a mile from the scene of the 2016 Bastille Day bloodbath. Today’s Islamofanatic beheaded an elderly lady at the font and then a sacristan, fatally stabbed a second woman and wounded others before being taken down by the gendarmes. As he was arrested, he yelled …oh, go on, take a wild guess. Two hours later another would-be Allahu Akbutcher started threatening the same-old-same-old on the streets of Avignon, a 150 miles or so west. The coppers shot him dead.
No Matter Who Wins On Tuesday, There Will Be No ‘Return To Normalcy’ – John Daniel Davidson
Setting aside the impossibility of normalcy during a global pandemic, there is nothing normal about what Biden and the Democrats are proposing to do if they gain power.
Packing the U.S. Supreme Court is not normal. Creating new states as a way to pack the Senate is not normal. Abolishing the Electoral College is not normal. Establishing a South African-style “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” is not normal. Codifying Roe v. Wade into law and forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions is not normal. A ban on fracking—or, as Biden likes to put it, “transitioning out of fossil fuels”—is not normal. Passing any version of the Green New Deal is not normal. Raising the top income tax rate to a level not seen since the Carter administration is not normal.
These things are radical, and Democrats broadly support all of them.
Biden’s Destructive Education Program – Paul Mirengoff
President Trump has tried to combat the rot in higher education. As Stanley Kurtz points out, Trump’s popular Executive Order on Campus Free Speech was followed by an Executive Order banning the use of Critical Race Theory, not only in federal training sessions but for federal contractors and grant recipients, including colleges and universities. And the Trump administration has tried, through Department of Education “guidance,” to bring fairness to the college disciplinary process, so that male students can’t be tossed out of college without proper process on the mere allegation of sex harassment.
A Biden administration would reverse these initiatives. But that’s only the tip of iceberg of mischief his administration would impose.
Kurtz identifies the additional consequences of electing Joe Biden:
If Democrats manage to pass the Equality Act, transgender students will win dorm assignments and compete in college sports based on their chosen gender identity rather than their biological sex. Privacy and basic fairness for female students will be a thing of the past.
Faith-based institutions will be thrown back on the courts for protection. That protection will surely fail should Democrats pack the Court.
Will Minnesota Go Red? – John Hinderaker
President Trump will visit Minnesota on Friday, stopping for a rally in Rochester. Minnesota’s far-left Attorney General Keith Ellison is doing what he can to suppress enthusiasm for the president:
Trump’s Minnesota rally will be limited to 250 guests due to Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison putting pressure on the campaign and business owners, needling them for a “COVID Preparedness Plan,” as Breitbart News reported:
The rally was initially planned at the Rochester airport, but Ellison’s office demanded a “COVID preparedness plan” from officials from the City of Rochester, Olmsted County, and the Rochester airport, as well as the Republican National Committee to ensure the event was safe.
The event was then moved to Dodge Center, prompting Ellison’s office to ask the Trump campaign and the owner of the building McNeilus Steel for their “COVID Preparedness Plan.” That prompted the Trump campaign to move the event again, back to the airport.
“Thanks to the free speech-stifling dictates of Gov. Tim Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison, only the first 250 people will be admitted,” the campaign said in a statement on Thursday.
“Without question, Minnesota Democrats had hoped that the President would simply cancel the event, but he will not allow partisan politicians to deprive people of their First Amendment rights to gather peacefully to hear directly from the President of the United States,” the campaign continued.
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