God’s mercy constantly amazes me. And one aspect of His mercy is common grace, which he bestows on all people, saved and unsaved alike. We all know that this means, for instance, that it rains for all of us. But common grace, along with the fact that everyone is made in God’s image, allows even unbelievers that hate God (and they all do) to engage in theology. And at time do so better than some believers.
The issue of race is one area where they phenomena is taking place. For instance, Thomas Sowell-an unbeliever writing in a Jewish magazine, blows the doors off of many evangelicals in his understanding of race as seen in last year’s Virginia gubernatorial race. He correctly calls poisonous indoctrination what many white evangelicals call repentance. Then there is Joe Morgan, a sportswriter. I don’t know about the state of his soul, but he clearly sees the irony in Atlanta and Houston making the World Series last year, and the potential for righting some of the injustice done to black Georgians harmed when the MLB moved the All-Star game to Colorado.
Jesus is making ALL things new. Which includes government and baseball. And it is nice when some unbelievers (at least one) can help us Christians see Jesus at work in this world that He gave us and is preparing even now to be the dwelling place of Good with man.
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