Thoughts on Ferguson by Voddie Bauchum (The Gospel Coalition) I don’t care what advantages my white neighbor may or may not have. If he does have advantages, God bless him! I no more fault him than I fault my own children who have tremendous advantages due to the fact that they were raised by two educated, Christian parents who loved, disciplined, and taught them. Ironically, when I think about THAT advantage, I am filled with joy and gratitude to God for his faithfulness. People are supposed to bequeath an advantage to their children and grandchildren (Prov. 13:22). Why, then, would I be angry with my white neighbor for any advantage he is purported to have? And what good would it do? How does that advance the gospel? Especially in light of the fact that growing up with the gospel is the ultimate privilege/advantage! It is the advantage that has granted us all “American privilege”! Are we guilty for being citizens of the wealthiest republic in the history of the world? I think not! Read More Trump and Lindsey Graham by James Freeman (Wall Street Journal) Today highlights another reason why Mr. Graham and Mr. Trump are not such an odd couple. … On Thursday [Graham] announced: “I am proud to once again introduce the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, this time as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. … The United States should not be in that club. I don’t believe abortion, five months into Wokescold Gillette and the Misplaced Antithesis by Douglas Wilson (Blog & Mablog) Gillette has decided to join the ranks of all the Debunking BuzzFeed and the Wages of Investigative Secrecy by Andrew McCarthy (National Review Online) [The BuzzFeed] incident highlights how investigative secrecy has wrongly been given pride of place. In the Mueller probe, the desire of prosecutors to go about their business in stealth — to attempt to build a case on undisclosed crimes based on unknown evidence; to prevent witnesses from gaming their testimony and evidence from being tampered with — has been prioritized over the president’s ability to govern the country. … Special Counsel Mueller was thus right to shoot down the BuzzFeed report. Did he do it because he believed the story was damaging to the country? I’d like to think so. Unfortunately, there have been many sensational allegations that have not been shot down in the last two years, based on fabricated evidence and deceptively selective intelligence leaks. We still do not know for sure whether the president is the subject of a criminal investigation, the crimes alleged, and what if any evidence implicates him. That has gone on for a very long time. … As a result, I can’t conclude that the special counsel is especially worried about the damage that inaccurate and politically damaging reporting does to the Trump administration. Rather, the BuzzFeed story was different because Mueller’s own reputation was at stake. Read More How Union with Christ Shapes Our Identity by David Strain (TableTalk) In the last article, we considered the three dimensions of the Christian’s union with Christ. We are one with Him in the eternal counsels of God, chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. We are one with Him in history, at the cross, as He bled and died as our representative and substitute. And we are one with Him in our experience when, by the mighty work of the Spirit, we are made new creatures and given the gift of saving faith. In this article, I want to begin to tease out some implications of our union with Christ, starting with the question of identity. How should our union with Christ change how we understand ourselves, our identity as human beings in the world? Read More Change and Decay in All Around by Mark Steyn (Steyn Online) Speaking of the bounds of permitted speech, a few days ago Pastor Justin Hoke of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California put up the following sign: Bruce Jenner is still a man; homosexuality Black History Month’s Startling Omission by Gabriel Rench (Cross Politic) I love basketball. In particular, I love the NBA. I watch a game multiple times a week. And every February they do a passably good job of celebrating Black History Month. I do not have a problem with black history month itself, but I have begun to wonder about one striking omission. Never any mentions of Margaret Sanger. The fact that one of the most brutally destructive institutions in the history of American Blacks started as Margaret Sanger’s personal back-alley abortion clinic. Her pet project eventually grew into the largest and most profitable non-profit organization in the world. She has been hailed as a great social reformer, a liberator, and a hero. She lives in the minds of many as one of the great saints of secularism. But the problem is, she was a white supremacist using the power of the state to legally cleanse America of blacks. Read More Ohr’s Testimony: Is It Enough To Launch DOJ Investigation Into FISA Abuse? by Sara Carter (Sara Carter.com) DOJ official Bruce Ohr revealed last August in closed-door congressional testimony that he had informed three top senior Justice Department and FBI officials in the summer of 2016 about his meetings with former British spy Christopher Steele. Ohr told these officials about Steele’s animus toward Trump and that the dossier was not verified. Further, he informed the officials that he was also in communication with Glenn Simpson, the founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS. The FBI and DOJ also knew Simpson’s firm was paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to investigate Trump, according to Ohr. The bureau also knew that Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, was working for Simpson. This means Ohr informed these senior officials well before the FBI sought the Whither the Presbyterian Church in America? by Dewey Roberts (Aquila Report) Denominations do not last forever or remain evangelical forever. I have seen the futility of those who tried to reform the PCUS from within. It became impossible. The PCA appears to be going down all the same paths that led to the demise of the PCUS as an evangelical denomination. On some issues, such as homosexuality, the PCA is moving at warp speed. Read More Covenant Theological Seminary and the Decline of the PCA by Andrew Dionne, et. al. (WarHorn) The bad fruit of the Presbyterian Church in America’s Covenant Theological Seminary (CTS) has long been evident to those willing to see and take warning. For twenty years we have been documenting betrayals of God’s truth by her administration, faculty, and alumni, yet those with oversight (including those on CTS’s General Assembly oversight committee) have refused to correct her errors. Thus they are now responsible for the decline of Biblical truth spreading across the PCA. Read More Wharton County Commissioners Aren’t Big Fans of Renewable Subsidies by Bill Peacock (Texas Public Policy Foundation) The El Campo Leader-News reports that the Commissioners Court this week rejected the effort of a proposed wind farm to get Chapter 312 tax abatements from the residents of Wharton County: “The Wharton County Commissioners Court unanimously decided not to move forward with a 312 tax abatement application from Wharton Wind, LLC during its Monday session. The 5-0 decision came in front of dozens of people who packed the meeting room inside the Wharton County Annex Building in Wharton.” The decision came in front of local activists who packed the courtroom to tell their commissioners to reject subsidies for wind development. Read More |
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