The Bible gives us far more information about how the world works than even many Christians understand. Here we’ll look at the biblical perspective on government, economics, and more.
- Liberty Requires God-given Rights Exercised in Free Markets“Many persons, having never viewed the subject (of liberty) in this light, charge us with excessive zeal, when they see us so warmly and earnestly…
- Developing a Biblical Understanding of DecentralizationThe Conclusion of Our Series on Resisting Injustice. Be sure to check out Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. For by him all things were created, in heaven…
- Properly Defining the Role of Civil RulersPart Three in a Four-Part Series on Government Injustice “Hear the word of the LORD, O house of David! Thus says the LORD: ‘Execute justice…
- Viewing Civil Relationships Through Covenantal EyesPart Two in a Four-Part Series on Government Injustice “Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world,…
- Resisting Injustice“And God also made all the evil of the men of Shechem return on their heads, and upon them came the curse of Jotham the…
- A Liberty CatechismBy Douglas Wilson Revised by Bill Peacock* * The original Liberty Catechism was written by Pastor Douglas Wilson. I found it to be an excellent…
- Jesus’ Rule Over the NationsOn X, someone recently responded to a post I made about the role of belief or unbelief in Christ in our cultural and political conflicts:…
- Socialism on the Rise in Texas: A Biblical Critique of the Texas BudgetThis article was first published at Texans for Fiscal Responsibility Executive Summary The Texas Legislature is in the midst of a 20-year spending spree. Since…
- A Lesson in Liberty from the (Pseudo) PandemicWhen the pseudo-COVID19 pandemic hit, I was glad that my family attended the church that we did. Our church was shut down for about a…
- A Theology of Public EducationA while back I watched a short but insightful video featuring Dr. Carl Ellis at Reformed Theological Seminary. At first, when he stated, “All theology…
- The Problem with Big GovernmentI recently spoke to the Brazos Valley Republican Club about the problem with Big Government. We focused on the problems with Texas’ budget, property taxes,…
- Yahweh Miśrâh: Christ, the Lord of PoliticsA proposal being debated in my church and denomination (the Presbyterian Church in America) would insert language into our Book of Church Order (BCO) that…
- Protestant Resistance TheoryRomans 13 tells us to “be subject to the governing authorities.” Yet the leaders of the Protestant Reformation, from Luther and Calvin to Knox, Rutherford,…
- The Christian Foundations of Government: A BibliographyI teach a high school class on government and economics at a classical Christian school. Below is the list of books and original sources that…
- Will Trump Be Indicted? Why Christians Should CareWhen you go out to war against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and an army larger than your own, you shall not be…
- Thinking Economically“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). As we learn at the very beginning of Scripture, God is the Creator…
- God & Government: A Discussion of the Theology of the StateI recently took part in a discussion with a Lutheran pastor and a reformed Baptist pastor about Christian engagement with the culture. Click below to…
- Liberty Requires Rights Exercised in Free MarketsThe free market is waning in today’s uber-regulatory world. The government tells us what we must inject into our bodies to get a job, what…
- Being Conservative is No Longer EnoughWe don’t need to spend time calling Americans back to conservatism; we need to call them to faith in Jesus. The modern conservative movement came…
- Putting on Our Coates Coatsby Douglas Wilson Introduction The only real science involved in all the corona-panic anymore is the science of crowd control. And however poorly our governments…
- What the Bible Can Tell Us About the Texas BlackoutsThe Bible may not have been the first place you turned to over the last couple of weeks to look for information about the Texas…
- True CompassionAt my previous job, we tended to have lots of discussions about public policy. As part of that dialogue, an intern once asked: Is government…
- Compartmentalizing GodPeople in all ages have their conceits. For instance, a conceit of the ancient world was that man could manipulate the gods because the gods…
- What Does Liberty Look Like: Government and RulersOne of the conceits of modern man is to deny the multiple spheres of government. When we hear the word government, we think almost exclusively…
- What Does Liberty Look Like: PropertyThis is the fourth post in the ongoing What Does Liberty Look Like series. Last week we looked at the cultural mandate; this week we examine how…
- What Does Liberty Look Like: The Cultural MandateThis is the third post in the ongoing What Does Liberty Look Like series. In the last post we looked at the source of liberty,…
- What Does Liberty Look Like: The Source of LibertyThis is the second post in the ongoing What Does Liberty Look Like series. When Jesus began His ministry as recorded in Luke, this is…
- What Does Liberty Look Like?This is the first post in the ongoing What Does Liberty Look Like series. In a recent email with friends I mentioned that, “it is…
- Shaping the Culture Through Christian EconomicsI’ve spent the last 30 years of my life trying to free Texans from government oppression. Given that Texas’ biennial budget has grown from $46.4…
- A Christian, Liberty-Minded Reader on Culture, Science, Governance, and EconomicsI’ve spent a lot of time over the years studying economics, governance, science, culture, etc. from a biblical perspective. Although a number of the books…
- The Bible, Politics, and the GospelWe have a fair amount of discussion in my church over what the Bible teaches when it comes to government and how to apply God’s…
- A Brief Primer on Church and State–and Oppression“The purpose of government is to justly uphold life, liberty, and truth in order to bring increase and peace to the Kingdom of God.” This…
- The Trinitarian Nature of Private PropertyGenesis 1:1 clearly establishes God as the owner of creation. Genesis 1:28 tells man to fill and subdue the earth (His property) and have dominion…
- Private Property, the Great Commission, and the TrinityIn a recent email discussion, a friend from church recently noted, “I don’t think anyone is going to argue that government has carte blanche to…
- The Hope of Biblical Compassion: CharityIn my last article, I made the case that the welfare state is unbiblical. I built my argument on three premises: that the welfare state…
- The Tragedy of Evangelical Compassion: The Welfare StateWhat do we do when we realize the welfare state isn’t working? Well, for a lot of Evangelicals, the trick is actually getting to that…
- Evangelical v. Biblical CompassionThe United States of America spends over $1.8 trillion each year on welfare programs and public education systems that consign millions of people to lifetimes…
- Christian Liberty and Civil GovernmentChristian Liberty Ever since the fall of man in the garden, natural man has been a slave to sin: None is righteous, no, not one;…
- Why I Will Vote for Trump in 2020In the days leading up to the 2016 presidential election, I shared with anyone who would listen why I wasn’t going to vote for Donald…
- Liberty Is an Anti-Darwinian ConceptThe traditional view of creation that has been held almost unanimously throughout church history is that creation took place over six 24 hour days. Augustine…
- Economics 101: ImageThen God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” – Genesis 1:26 God thinks and acts, and does so with purpose:…
- Bringing Sanity to Fallen World: Idaho Health Care EditionIdaho appears the national leader now in bringing sanity to our health care system. Not that you would know it from the many complaints about…
- Economics 101: WorkBe fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion … Genesis 1:28 Man was created to work. The objective of…
- How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes by Peter and Andrew SchiffPeter and Andrew Schiff wrote How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes based on the book by their father, Irwin, How an Economy Grows…
- Christian Economics 101Economics often gets overlooked by Christians. From one perspective, this makes sense. Economics is not the gospel. Understanding biblical economics won’t save our souls. On…
- Christian Liberty and Economic FreedomChrist came to set us free from the bondage of our sin: The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has…
- Eliminating Renewable Energy Subsidies is Key to Boosting ProsperityResidential electricity prices have steadily increased for years, up more than 15 percent in the United States (not including Texas) since 2004. A newly released U.S. Department…
- The Swamp Wins in AlabamaMark Steyn is one of the two best political commentators in the English speaking world today. Here is an excerpt of his thoughts on the…
- Local Government Regulation Tramples Property Rights“Property owners do not acquire a constitutionally protected vested right in property uses …” – Texas Supreme Court; City of University Park v. Benners, 485…
- No Tolerance at AirbnbAs I attempted to log in to my Airbnb account yesterday, I was greeted with this message: Before you continue Whether it’s your first time…
- Truth through SimplicityThe opponents of freedom thrive in an environment of complexity. One of my favorite examples of this is when Politifact labeled as half true a…
- Why I am Not Voting for TrumpI am not going to vote for Donald Trump for president of the United States. This has caused consternation among some of my friends stuck…
- Mark Steyn on the GOP“The reality is that the GOP establishment, after their appalling behavior in the Hastert years, were given a second chance by the base in 2010,…
- Chattel Law EnforcementA Texas state representative recently complained about being treated like a child during an encounter with police after he had been clocked driving 94 miles…
- The Family Romanov by Candace FlemingI enjoyed reading The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia by Candace Fleming to my son (age 12). It kept him thoroughly…
- Real Reformers’ Real Advantage“The real reformer has a real advantage, but one which he rarely recognizes himself as having. Living in the world that actually exists is an…
- The Wellspring of FreedomThe wellspring of freedom in our world comes from the Judeo-Christian belief that man is created in the image of God. If we are not,…
- The Mouth of Rove: The Marginalization of the WSJIn the Lord of the Rings, the Mouth of Sauron was the ambassador and messenger of Sauron. As a Black Numenorean, the Mouth had given…
- In Freedom’s Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce by G. A. HentyI love all of G. A. Henty books, as does my son. In Freedom’s Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce is about the twentieth of…
- Quote of the Week – Mises on the Religion of Government Spending and Credit Expansion“No one should expect that any logical argument or any experience could ever shake the almost religious fervor of those who believe in salvation through…
- The Fringe is Marginal no More“Yes, we do, because the fringe is marginal no more.” – George Will, in a 1995 column. I first read this quote on January 1,…
- Let’s Break Up Tiger WoodsIn the aftermath of Tiger Woods’ dominant victory in the recent American Express Championship golf tournament, a number of Wood’s competitors announced they will be…
- Inflation, Money Creation, and the Gold Standard“In a social order that is entirely founded on the use of money and in which all accounting is done in terms of money, the…
- Economic Freedom and Quality of Lifehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1U1Jzdghjk&feature=player_embedded
- Today’s DigestThe Right Kind of Bright in Your Eyes Doug Wilson gave the commencement speech to the graduating class of New Covenant Schools. Lots of good…
- Happy 100th Birthday Ronald Reagan“I never thought it was my style or the words I used that made a difference: it was the content. I wasn’t a great communicator,…
- TX v. CA – Texas Wins Again: Less Taxes and Spending Lead to Economic GrowthThe Texas Public Policy Foundation released some great research today by Dr. Art Laffer explaining why Texas is doing so much better than California—or just…
- ABC Shows Obama Wrong on Tax Cuts!
- National Review and the ContractWhy in the world would National Review say that, “Republicans ought to promote new energy technologies in order to reduce the risks of global warming?”…
- The Real Things Haven’t ChangedI ran across a great quote this morning to help us remember some of the things that really matter for which we can be grateful…
- Computer Prices and Creative DestructionI ran across a 1989 product comparison of several top-of-the-line computers. Including one from Dell, which featured an 80286 (20 MHz) processor and a 40 MB…
- The $2.6 Trillion Health Care PlanDon’t buy the claims that the ObamaCare bill will be deficit neutral. Don’t even trust the claim that it will result in increased spending of only…
- Jobs, Jobs, JobsThere are a lot of ways to measure how the economy is doing. But employment, or jobs, is probably the measure that means the most…
- Living Like a King“Our free market system is usually termed capitalism and by that definition capitalism has hardly been around long enough to deserve all the evil for…
- Another Way HomeI’ve been reading John Horne’s excellent online novel, “Another Way Home,” and highly recommend it.
- At Least One Nobel Prize Make SenseThe recent awarding of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences shows that at least one of the Nobel prizes is based on common sense. The…
- Quote of the DaySo long as men accepted the basic affirmations of religion — that there is a God of all people with whom each individual has a…
- Marxism Isn’t EnoughWilliam F. Buckley Jr.’s first book, God and Man at Yale, examined the anti-Christian and anti-capitalist mindset which, even in 1951, was pervasive among the…
- Government is Good, but has its LimitsWe tend to have lots of discussions about public policy at my office—after all, that is what we do. As part of that dialogue, an…
- Quote of the Day“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed…
- Quotes of the Day“Probably, majority opinion agrees with our own national policy that the right of a man to engage in business for himself is not a basic…
- Consumer Protection Usually Doesn’t Live Up to its NameIt seems as if the folks in Washington don’t have enough to do with taking over the American financial, automobile, and health care industries. The…
- Tax Cuts WorkIn his recent National Review Online article on the federal government’s deficit spending, Rich Lowry wrote, “The same way overzealous Republicans once argued that tax…
- Welcome to TexasDear Mr. Limbaugh: I noted your evident frustration recently with the high tax policies of New York that subject you to a punitive income tax…