A friend wrote this yesterday and I thought I’d share it:
“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” – Proverbs 16:9
You’ve heard the joke. “Want to make God laugh? Tell him you have a plan.”It might actually be funny if it were not so true.
Today started out like most of my other days in the past few weeks. We had an early morning staff meeting, I got all my ducks in a row and headed off to volunteer for a while at my church. My plan was for all things to go smoothly. Instead, I found 8:30 pm found me finally finishing up on the last of my work projects that needed to be done before the day was over that I had no idea were on today’s schedule.
In all honesty, if it had not been a day of glorious interruptions, things would have been taken care of much sooner. But God choose today to have old friends and treasured family check in. A dear friend called to catch up. My oldest niece surprised me with a call that absolutely warmed my heart. As I was on that call, some friends we have known for 45 years, but have not heard from in years called. They have recently moved to the area and drove past a real estate sign my husband has on some property and called him out of the blue. Then we got to fellowship with a couple who are like parents to me. That is a precious relationship when your own parents have been long gone.
Each call set my schedule back further and further. And yet, here we are at the end of the day and all of my doings are done and it is not yet past my bedtime. It would have been possible to stick to my schedule and get things done earlier, but God’s plan was so much better.
Thank you, Lord, for the surprises You give us each day. Help us to recognize those as the blessings they are, rather than the interruptions we perceive them to be. Amen.
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