When you see the ingenuity, commitment, and love in something like this, it is really hard to deny there is a God:
Fired Academy Sports manager rehired after backlash
Sometimes the good guys do win. And politically-correct corporations actually listen to the public: A manager at Academy Sports in Tallahassee, who was fired for tackling a shoplifter as he ran out of the store with a stolen gun and ammunition, has now gotten his job back. A lawyer for Dean Crouch, the ousted manager, confirmed…
Mike Pence Gives Unflinching Answer When Asked If He Wants Roe v. Wade Overturned
It is amazing how often folks flinch when given a chance to speak the truth. Yet, we shouldn’t be too surprised–it is in our fallen human nature to fear man rather than God. Peter exhibited some of the same problems and Paul had to call him out for it: But when Cephas (Peter) came to Antioch,…
Women’s March slammed for goof in statement on Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination
Organizers of last year’s Women’s March on Washington made it clear, through a mistake, that the Left was set to oppose whoever Trump nominated to the Supreme Court: Conservatives jumped on an error in a statement released Tuesday night by the organizers of last year’s Women’s March on Washington in response to President Donald Trump’s nomination of…
Rush Limbaugh on clergy who accept socialism
I like the Acton Institute and I like Rush Limbaugh, and here I get both in one article. Rev. Ben Johnson of Acton uses a quote from Limbaugh to talk about how many in the modern church, Catholic and Protestant, have abandoned the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the social gospel: For too many, the…
Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Many people understand the book of Revelation as portraying what is going to happen at the end of the world. This comes from what is known as the pre-millennial view, popularized in Tim LaHaye’s and Jerry B. Jenkins’ Left Behind series, which is a recent interpretation pushed by dispensationalists. Rather than see the Bible as a portraying the unfolding of God’s covenant…
Revoice, Concupiscence, and Worldliness in the PCA
The decision of Memorial Presbyterian Church (PCA) in St. Louis, Missouri to host the Revoice Conference has raised quite a ruckus in the Presbyterian Church of America and some other evangelical denominations. The purpose of the conference is: Supporting, encouraging, and empowering gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other LGBT Christians so they can flourish while observing…
Where is Your Hope? The Structure of Isaiah
I love reading learned theologians who mine the depth and richness of Scripture. Two of those show up in the article in this post, David Dorsey and Peter Leithart. Building off of Dorsey’s analysis of the chiastic structure of Isaiah, Leithart points us to the central point of Isaiah: The central narrative section is embedded…
Conservatives should be asking themselves about the GOP: Should I stay or should I go?
It is easy today to find people who self-identify as conservative who oppose President Trump, and who even have gone as far as leaving the Republican Party because of Trump. Here is Washington Post columnist Max Boot explaining why he joined their ranks: Veteran strategist Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain’s 2008 campaign, is the…
Liberty Is an Anti-Darwinian Concept
The traditional view of creation that has been held almost unanimously throughout church history is that creation took place over six 24 hour days. Augustine seems to have believed instead in instantaneous creation, but no prominent members of the church believed in a creation scenario that allowed for the earth to be millions or billions of…