by Douglas Wilson
The only real science involved in all the corona-panic anymore is the science of crowd control. And however poorly our governments may have done with regard to the virus itself, having run out of rest homes to put the contagious in, they have done a marvelous job when it comes to manipulating and all-round spooking the general population.
Now there are plain indications of significant restiveness here and there, but over all the totalitolerance brigade has gotten away with a whole lot more than I think even they believed possible. They are not interested in the science called virology. It is more like the science of compliance.
But one of the things that has been revealed as a consequence, at least for those who have kept their eyes open, is the exact nature of the end game we are facing. That end game is control—control without brakes, control without limit, control without any system of restraints. Just as Richard Rorty once said that truth is whatever his contemporaries let him get away with, so also human rights (to the current managerial elite) are in that same malleable category. Whatever they can successfully seize must somehow belong to them. Due process is whatever their lap dogs in the media are prepared to let them get away with.
Those Pockets of Restiveness
I have been pleased and surprised at what has started to happen in Canada—things that make me the right kind of proud of my Canadian heritage. Have I mentioned that my mom was from Alberta? No, I am not referring to the Canadian government, which is being every bit as demented and twaddlesome as the government reigning over my place of birth, that being the state of California, which is saying something.
I was rather referring to the patrons of the restaurant in British Columbia chanting at the inspectors to “get out.” I was referring to the Polish pastor in Canada who managed to abbreviate that simple message down to the pithier word “out,” along with a postscript of “psychopaths.” But preeminently I am referring to Pastor James Coates who was imprisoned for refusing to stop preaching. And after he was released, the officials then felt constrained to build a big fence around his church, and they padlocked it. The official guardians of freedom Alberta-style then dispatched 200 cops to keep people from worshiping at the barricade. When this is all over, a lot of pastors need to contemplate what is happening, and then they all need to put on their Coates coats.
In California, the governor has announced they are going to reopen on June 15. They are going to do so despite the ongoing minuscule danger of death. He is doing this, be aware, on account of the recall election breathing down his neck. Millions signed the petition for that recall, those millions being among the remaining Californians who didn’t move to Texas or Idaho.
And then in Florida, their governor has banned vaccine passports, and good on him. He was followed in this by the governor of Texas, and just the other day, our governor here in Idaho did the same thing by executive order. Further, our governor forbade any state agencies from sharing any vaccination status info with anybody, whether private companies or other government agencies. Given how singularly unhelpful our governor was on the whole lockdown question, this stand almost certainly indicates a politician’s sense of some shifting winds.
So, like I said, signs of coordinated resistance developing here and there.
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