Apparently, it is not just white men (dead or alive) that are the primary source of the problems in the world today. White women are also guilty of
uphold[ing] white supremacy through violence, aggression and the weaponizing of their gender, [and are] “lucky that we are just calling them ‘Karen’s’. And not calling for revenge [because] much blood would be spilled.”
So says (among others) the Global Opinions editor for The Washington Post.
When we read things like this and see what is going on the world today, Christians can do one of two things.
We can decide that blacks and other minorities are suffering today because of centuries of oppression at the hands of white racists, most of whom are so blind that they can’t even see they are racists operating out of a construct of systemic racism and oppression.
Or, we can see that the problems in our world today between people of different cultures, ethnic backgrounds, and skin colors are based on a variety of challenges grounded in original sin and the ongoing assault by the raging nations against God and His people.
Some might suggest I have set up a false dichotomy here. But I don’t think so.
I believe that the concepts of white supremacy and white privilege are the constructs of those who wish to tear down a culture built (imperfectly) on biblical foundations as they wage war against God.
For instance, as we look around us today, we do not see generally peaceful, well-intentioned protests that have been hijacked by those with an radical agenda. Rather, we see protests organized by godless radicals in which some well meaning folks have been duped to participate.
I don’t know her well enough to know which one of these categories the Global Opinions editor for The Washington Post fits into. But the language she uses is language born out of a hatred for God.
I was recently asked what are some of the consequences of two centuries of slavery in America. I believe there are two primary aspects to this.
The first is the obvious one. In years past, there was racism, oppression, prison gangs, voter suppression, and tension between blacks and whites. Yet I believe that most of problems we see between races today are NOT primarily the result of these past problems in America.
Rather, I believe that the problems we see today are a result of the the second consequence of slavery in America, the death of our constitutional order and the rise of a centralized, all powerful government that is replacing God in the hearts of many Americans.
In the 10 years that followed the civil war, the almost complete collapse of our system of federalism had been set in motion. The next 60 years brought that to pass. The last 85 years have really been just a mop up operation.
The result of this, in our context here, is centralized government that is extending and aggravating the racial consequences of American slavery.
But it is more than that. In many ways this is the cause behind the economic and social challenges of many minorities today and the racial strife we are witnessing. I put into evidence abortion on demand, a welfare state that has brought into being a culture that raises up children (many in poverty) without fathers, and a government that robs Americans of their savings through low interest rates and stifles innovation and destroys opportunity for most Americans (especially minorities) through oppressive regulation.
I know many Christians disagree with this. And that’s ok. Unlike the world, we are equipped to work through these challenges in unity, able to maintain both peace AND purity. Because we are also part of a mop up operation. Christ completed His work on the cross and through the Holy Spirit and us is applying that work to the world. And while at times I (sinfully) believe He is moving entirely too slow, I know that he will accomplish this and consummate His marriage with us and these terrible things we are witnessing today (whatever their cause) will be no more.
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