When most Texans woke up on the morning of February 15, 2021, they experienced something few Texans had ever experienced. Texas was gripped in the midst of the probably the worst winter storm in a century and millions had lost power–which would continue to be off for days for many.
Leaders in Texas state government, along with the media and industry, have tried to blame the free market for the Great Texas Blackout. However, that is not true. The explanation of why millions of Texans lost power is relatively simple: renewable energy, power-hungry politicians and regulators, and corporate cronyism.
As I explained in my presentation to Grassroots America in Tyler, TX on July 20 (download here or see below) , recent calls for a capacity market by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Gov. Greg Abbott, and Rep. Chris Paddie, R-Marshall would mean the end of competition in the Texas electricity market. Instead, Texans would pay generators $4 billion or more for simply existing–then also have to pay them for the electricity we use.
If this happens, we will be able to look back and see that February 15 was truly the day the market died.
But the market is not dead yet. Texans should stand up and tell our elected officials that we do not want to pay billions more for electricity. Instead, they should end renewable energy subsidies,= and tell Texas regulators to keep the hands off of the market.

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