The Story of Evolution Evolution explains more complexity, and more simplicity. It explains why flight arose in some birds, but was lost in others. With evolution, organs and genomes can become more complicated, or more streamlined. Eyes emerge through evolution, but eyes are also lost by evolution. Evolution makes the cheetah fast but the sloth slow. By evolution, dinosaurs grow to skyscraper size, and hummingbirds grow tiny. With evolution, peacocks grow more flashy and crows more black, giraffes tall and snakes long. Evolution makes roundworms round, and flatworms flat. Evolution explains predator and prey, loner and herder, light and dark, high and low, fast and slow, profligacy and stinginess, terrorism and altruism, religion and atheism, virtue and selfishness, psychosis and reason, extinction and fecundity, war and peace. Evolution explains everything.Until about 200 years ago, the secular world and the church were almost universal in affirming a young earth for the very simple reason that a young earth conforms to the facts and to scripture. It was only when non-believers inside and outside the church started searching for a way to undermine the authority of scripture that they came up with about the most unscientific explanation possible to describe the origins of life–evolution. It is important to note that with evolution (and the Big Bang/Multiverse) we no longer need God to create anything. Thus Christians who accept the old earth view pushed by evolutionists are aiding and abetting those who want to eliminate God. Read the rest of Coppedge’s article.
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