I recently appeared on From the Stacks, the weekly video podcast of the Cornwall Alliance for The Stewardship of Creation. Cal Beisner was the host; he is also the founder and president of the Alliance. Cal and the folks of the Alliance are at the forefront of the effort to apply God’s Word to caring for the world that God created for us. Which just makes sense; if God created the world, we ought to pay pretty close attention to how He’s told us to take care of it.
We talked about several things on the show, but focused on a recent article in World magazine that portrays opposition to “climate change” by young Christians and “conservatives” as a good thing. Of course, one place to start is by pondering how one could possibly oppose climate change since the climate has been changing at least since the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden.
Anyway, we had a great conversation. You can watch it below. You can also read the article that I published on the topic.
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